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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Carver, MN

location-map Carver , MN | (952) 206 8832

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It can be hard to feel different. Many people receive messages their entire lives about not being good enough. I'm here to be a supportive, thoughtful and empathetic response to this. I have experience supporting individuals age 11 through adulthood, as well as their families, take the steps to build a more fulfilling life. I am passionate about intersectional feminism, disability rights, queer rights, trans rights, fat liberation, and health at every size (HAES). I especially enjoy working with folks who experience challenges related to neurodivergence (ADHD, Autism and other concerns) and trans identities. We are made up of our histories, families, backgrounds and culture. I love to help clients of all ages learn and understand more about themselves. I would love to work with you to unpack all of that in order to heal, grow and ultimately change for the better. I use compassion, insight, and humor to help my clients achieve their mental health goals. It's an act of courage to reach out to a new provider to find therapy. I'm honored to hear from you, and I am hopeful I can be a passionate, caring and empathetic support to you on your journey. I love meeting, and getting to know, so many wonderful people through this work, and I'm looking forward to meeting you, as well.